
NEWS 9/29/22 6:34pm

Tribute to Jeanne and Jerry Robertson to be held Sept. 29

The Elon University community is gathering tonight to honor longtime university leaders and donors Jerry and Jeanne Robertson, who died in June and August 2021, respectively. The tribute is set to begin at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 29 in Whitley Auditorium. Doors open at 7 p.m. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. 

NEWS 9/28/22 11:07am

Town of Elon restaurants prepare for Family Weekend

Elon University’s annual family weekend begins Sept. 30, drawing people from all over the country to campus. According to a spokesman from the Family Weekend Committee, 1,989 families are registered to attend this weekend’s festivities, and local businesses are preparing for the busy time ahead. 

NEWS 9/28/22 8:00am

Debate sparked after book removed from ABSS shelves

Pornographic, pedophilia, discriminatory, helpful and a resource. These were all words used by attendees of the Alamance-Burlington School System Board of Education meeting on Sept. 26 to debate “Gender Queer: A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe and the book’s place in ABSS school libraries. 
