
LIFESTYLE 9/25/16 3:28pm

Heroes for the Open Door Clinic

A group of six women who call themselves the “Hardcore Moms,” were clad in Wonderwoman and Superman T-shirts and capes with a picture of their trainer, stood outside Elon University’s Physician Assistant (PA) school, waiting to run the “Great Cape Escape Race.” As a buzzer went off at 9:40 a.m.

LIFESTYLE 9/25/16 3:26pm

One grain at a time: Monks create sand mandala in Numen Lumen

A soothing ohm resonated throughout the Sacred Space of the Numen Lumen Pavilion at 9 a.m on Sept. 21. With several chimes of a bell, Geshe Sangpo and Gen Norbu, monks from the Kandampa Center for Tibetan Monks in Raleigh, visited Elon University and blessed the space they used to create a mandala, a geometric figure with Buddhist symbols. Carefully placing colorful sand into symbols, the two worked for the next two days to create a mandala that represented peace and healing.

LIFESTYLE 9/25/16 6:35am

Junior publishes op-ed about Olympic swimmer for Connecticut paper

            Junior Alex Attanasio never thought twice when deciding to write about Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui for her Entertainment Media class but is now receiving lots of recognition over her Op-Ed.             This fall, Attanasio is enrolled in Dr. Naeemah Clark’s Entertainment media course as a required course for her major in Cinema and Television Arts.

LIFESTYLE 9/21/16 8:00am

Elon Eats: Just like mom makes it

The restaurant is located in the Target shopping plaza at 1441 C. University Drive  "First came to the states in 1996." [for delaware], worked in winston salem from 2000-2007 as chef

LIFESTYLE 9/18/16 2:47pm

Equestrian Team works to train horses and compete in shows

About 30 minutes away in Mebane, a group of 20 “horse-obsessed” students head to Rosewood Farm weekly to take riding lessons, care for their horses and prepare for horse shows against other collegiate riders. A lesser-known organization on Elon’s campus, the club sport Elon Equestrian Team has garnered a group of dedicated riders, passionate about horses to come together and do what they love.

LIFESTYLE 9/17/16 8:48pm

Former professor of 30 years welcomes new opportunities

            After thirty years at Elon, history professor Nancy Midgette is wasting no time taking advantage of her new found free time.             Midgette came to Elon in 1985 after meeting Professor George Troxler and his wife at a southern historians meeting.  Troxler told Midgetter that if she ever found herself in North Carolina, to stop by Elon and apply for a job because they were often hiring new professors.

LIFESTYLE 9/13/16 8:33am

Shredding paper to #ShredtheShame

Senior Zoe Ross-Nash was called No-Ass Ross-Nash throughout her childhood and high school, so she tore up paper and started a movement to fight her and others insecurities. "I’m going to rip that up and just love me for my body and love myself for my body, so goodbye, No-Ass Ross-Nash,” Ross-Nash explains in a January Facebook video as she tears up a piece of paper with her long-held insecurity written on it.

LIFESTYLE 9/12/16 11:24am

Creating a 'House Party'

Wrapped in blankets, huddled in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center around 3 a.m. Saturday morning, juniors Genny Tankosich and Karolina Bohn put their final edits on their script for The 24 Hour Plays to be handed off to a director in approximately three hours. Their writing process began at 7:30 p.m.

LIFESTYLE 9/8/16 11:23pm

Students to create plays in 24 hours

At 7:30 p.m. Friday, six teams of writers will begin to write their own play. At 7:30 p.m. Saturday night, these plays will be performed to an audience in Whitely. Put on by Elon University’s chapter of Alpha Psi Omega (APO), the national theater honors society, 24 Hour Plays gives six different teams of writers, directors and actors exactly 24 hours to create a play. According to Doug Del Pizzo, the president of APO, at 7:30 all members will come in for a meeting and at 8:30 the writing teams will be given a genre ranging from mockumentary to action adventure and a cast size to write for.

LIFESTYLE 9/7/16 8:00am

Elon Eats: Uncovering an aesthetic

Driving through the Graham town square, it's impossible to miss Press Coffee+Crepes. The exterior of the coffee and crepes shop is painted dark blue, a contrast to the light white and pastel facades that line the rest of North Main Street. The interior is just as unexpected — quiet indie music, stone tables, reclaimed wooden chairs, exposed brick walls and , all lit with bare lightbulbs hanging on burnished copper wires from the black applique ceiling.

LIFESTYLE 9/6/16 1:37pm

Lambert calls out three freshmen in convocation

Each year, Elon University President Leo Lambert highlights three students in his convocation speech. These three students represent a fraction of those that have done extracurricular activities and described to their peers, in front of parents and faculty.
