Livi Lesch

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LIFESTYLE 9/15/20 1:13pm

Irish step dance teammates reflect on past performances

While the spotlights’ beam descended onto their costumes at the 2020 Spring Relay for Life, the team soaked up the audience’s praise. After the celebratory dance concluded, Elon Junior Ellie Mitchell took a moment to observe how the team’s hard work paid off in the crowd’s reaction.

LIFESTYLE 8/14/20 10:09am

Freshman class copes with unique first-year experience

With an enrollment number of 1602 students, the class of 2024 is the third-largest class to have entered Elon University. Compared to last year, there are 57 fewer students on campus for fall semester. Greg Zaiser, the vice president of enrollment, said he found that notable considering the COVID-19 pandemic.

LIFESTYLE 1/26/20 2:49pm

BEST OF: Day Trip

With the sun setting, casting yellow and orange tints across the Appalachian Mountains that protect Asheville, North Carolina, freshman Connor Witsoe stood with his friend at the peak of the Craggy Pinnacle trail, about 20 miles from the city.

LIFESTYLE 1/25/20 1:37pm

BEST OF: Best hiking spot

After finding balance on a rock half her size, freshman Camilla Manning exhaled before lunging to the next one. She repeated this movement several times throughout her hike to the peak of Pilot Mountain with her two friends. At the summit, they took in the long stretch of rolling hills and countryside that covers North Carolina.

NEWS 12/5/19 7:22am

Working to diversify the students engaging in global experiences

For almost a decade, Elon University’s 2010-2020 strategic plan has emphasized the importance of growing the university’s global engagement program by committing to eight central themes to better Elon. Two of the goals in the plan were to double need-based financial aid and provide access to study abroad programs for 100% of the student body.

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