
NEWS 6/17/09 7:32pm

Working for the Clampdown

Democracies are such a problem. Sure, they provide a solid basis for capitalist enterprise, grant people greater control of the government and give a nation greater credibility on the world stage.

NEWS 6/16/09 4:06am

YouTube and the digital TV age

Hulu has dominated the internet television and movie industry ever since it began, offering a legitimate home for shows that couldn't be shut down by copyright laws.

NEWS 6/11/09 9:51pm

Um, Thanks, Hollywood...?

It's not too often that an opinions section will have an editorial or contributor that writes only to commend something--I'm pretty sure Morgan has made that point before--but I think that it is well deserved in this case. In my blog entry about the Where the Wild Things Are movie, I totally failed to mention, or focus on if I did mention it, the fact that Dave Eggers wrote it.

NEWS 6/6/09 5:38pm

No thought required

The information age is over. If you'd like to attend the wake, please wear black and be courteous to the grieving windows, they've been through a lot.

NEWS 5/21/09 8:41pm

So long, lazy brick road

I'll give myself, and the blog, a nice warm welcome back from the busily distracted realm of finals and travels back home (as much as one can consider New Jersey to be a home...) I can't say that I've been overly compelled during this hiatus to put anything online, mainly because the main events that have been swirling around the news sphere have been largely inconsiquential "he said, she said" moments. Did Rep.

NEWS 5/12/09 1:09am

You woeful idiots, join me!

Dr. Carlo Strenger is a pretty darn smart guy. A professor at the psychology department of Tel Aviv University, he frequently contributes to The Guardian (a paper that, if you have not noticed, I worship), mostly on the topic of religion and how it pertains to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

NEWS 5/10/09 3:31am

Settling for popcorn

Typically, I'm the sort of cultural consumer who runs at everything skeptically, is rarely very pleased and finds it almost sinful to consider compromising the complexity of a lengthy, brilliant source material for the sake of introducing it to a wider audience.

NEWS 5/5/09 10:09pm

Christmas is coming around the regular time this year!

According to Ben Bernanke, the king of all things monetary (at least until his term is up, which doesn't make him that much of a king,) the economy should be ready and raring to go come the end of the year! Of course, unemployment will still be low, it'll take a long time for us to step back to where we were and the progress will be dependent on the success of the bailout and stimulus packages.

NEWS 5/1/09 3:58am

Insert bachelor pun here

Yes, I'm sorry, I got my hands on an album early though less-than golden means. I know music typically isn't the domain of this blog, in fact, I'm pretty positive that there hasn't been a single album review posted at all, unless someone slipped one in after catching wind of my password. The album in question?
