Updated as of 11:18 p.m. on May 16 to report traffic is no longer blocked.

Traffic on South Williamson Avenue and East Trollinger Avenue has been disrupted on the evening of May 16 due to a railway line malfunction. Police officers on scene, who declined to give their names, have blocked traffic from crossing the tracks and said the train company is on the way to fix the problem — though the issue and how long it will take to fix is still unclear.

The malfunction has caused a blockage for at least one hour starting at roughly 8:30 p.m. and as of 9:29 p.m. is still ongoing. Town of Elon police also said that the railway line malfunctioned earlier this afternoon for just a few minutes. 

As of 11 p.m. on May 16, there is no traffic disruption and South Williamson is no longer blocked off.