
LIFESTYLE 2/21/17 12:17pm

Bringing Zenitry to life with student mural

Almost every day senior Alaina Kiesel wears a combination of two sun and moon necklaces. This piece of her will soon be translated onto a mural she is painting on a wall in Zenitry at Timberline Station. “I just feel really connected to the sun and moon,” Kiesel said.

LIFESTYLE 2/20/17 8:16pm

Elon's Gospel Choir Director finds strength through singing

Lana Logan, sophomore, is involved on campus, like many students. She’s a SMART mentor, the community outreach chair for Black Student Union, a member of the National Council of Negro Women, and an LGBTQIA ally. But last spring, unexpectedly, she was given a leadership position, Director of Elon’s Gospel Choir. “I’d heard nothing about it and I look around at the other people and I’m like, “Oh okay.” And so I began being the sole director in September,” Lana Logan says. As a freshman, walking into gospel choir she felt a positive energy and vibrant atmosphere that enticed her to join.

LIFESTYLE 2/15/17 5:00pm

Student receives grant from the Maker Hub after starting jewelry business

Frustrated by expensive jewelry prices, Elon University sophomore Jocelyn Pietro decided to start her own business, crafting handmade, metal-stamped bracelets and necklaces for the fraction of the cost of local retailers called Impressions Jewelry Co.  To start, Pietro reached out to Greek organizations, offering to make stamps with the letters of the sororities.

LIFESTYLE 2/15/17 8:00am

Elon Eats: Zack's Hot Dogs

Zack's Hot Dogs has two main entrances, and around noon on any given day--besides Sundays, when the restaurant closes its doors-- both are obscured by a jumble of bodies, waiting hungrily for a taste of classic American cuisine.

LIFESTYLE 2/15/17 8:00am

Student uses laughter to make a difference

Junior Maddy Gross wants to use the tools she has to make a difference—and for her that means making people laugh. As the head writer for Elon Tonight, Gross has lots of experience writing comedic material, but eight months ago she took the dive into stand-up comedy.

LIFESTYLE 2/15/17 8:00am

LGBTQIA Alumni Network launches new blog

As members of Elon University’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and Ally (LGBTQIA) Alumni Network, Elon graduates Ashley Fowler and Jon Shutt created Ignite, the official blog of the network, to enhance the community and encourage its members to contribute. “We wanted to give our network members a voice and a way to connect, share and interact with each other,” Shutt said. Launched on Feb.

LIFESTYLE 2/14/17 12:36pm

Elon students create Coca-Cola commercial for competition

Growing up, sophomore Lillian Engel felt as if she was embarking on an adventure whenever she saw movies in theaters. This childhood memory inspired her to write a script for a commercial that is now one of five finalists for the Coca-Cola and Regal Films program- a student filmmaking program that invites up-and-coming student filmmakers from top film schools across the nation to participate in creating a 35-second film about the moviegoing experience. Engel had the desire to write something that brought the adventures that she saw on the screen into reality.

LIFESTYLE 2/8/17 8:00am

Vagina Monologues highlights women’s issues

            The Vagina Monologues has become a Valentine’s Day tradition for the Elon community and this year, while the topic of Women’s Rights hangs in the air around the country, the performance aims to be even more poignant than years passed.             The Vagina Monologues is a play written by Eve Ensler that premiered in 1996 and is performed all around the world each year.  The play consists of monologues that Ensler composed after conducting interviews with over 200 women about their experiences.

LIFESTYLE 2/7/17 12:39pm

The Flower Project spreads unconventional love

Throughout Winter Term and the beginning of February, about 40 volunteers gather with colorful scrapbook paper and markers, creating personal, handmade cards with sayings such as “You are so loved” and “You are important.” On Valentine’s Day these cards – along with bouquets of flowers – will be delivered to the Family Justice Center in Burlington, Allied Churches and Crossroads Sexual Assault Resource Center and given to women who were abused, rejected, abandoned or homeless as part of The Flower Project.

LIFESTYLE 1/31/17 2:53pm

Alumna starts positive campaign to combat post-election negativity

After the contentious election cycle of 2016, many Americans are trying to find ways to combat the hate and negativity that dominates social media and funnel that energy elsewhere.  One Elon alumna is facilitating this by creating Hive Five to Kindness—a social media campaign aimed at encouraging acts of kindness and volunteering. Katie Perez graduated from Elon last year as an accounting major and is now working at Duke Energy as part of a finance rotation program.

LIFESTYLE 1/31/17 2:39pm

Phoenix published: Young Elon alumnae work in print in national literary magazines

Beckah Porter ’16 was sitting in a coffee shop one May weekend in 2016. She had come there to write, a routine she’d formed since graduating Elon University a short time before. But that day, she didn’t get any writing done. It was the day she got the email that her poem “Vignette” was going to be published in The Prairie Margins, Bowling Green State University’s undergraduate literary journal. “I had to step outside, do a little dance, I was so excited,” Porter said.
