For a recent story of mine, I covered the Destination: International event, a presentation for students to talk to other students, who are living abroad, for advice and personal experiences. I was excited to write a story on it, because my plan has always been to find a job abroad once I graduate. Being an international studies major, this has been something I've been thinking about for a long time.

And after my semester abroad in Dublin, it's non-negotiable to me now. But while I've had these dreams and plans for years now, it was so comforting to talk to people who have actually done it. It's good to know that there are people I can talk to or gain advice from graduates who have done the things I plan on doing. The alumni we talked to all had an amazing and wide variety of accomplishments and experiences abroad. Hilary Corna even wrote a book about it! Now that I know that getting a job abroad as a young graduate is more common that I thought before, there's nothing stopping me now.