Updated as of 9:55 p.m. on May 14 to include updated information on road repair.

 The road between Crest Apartments and North Oak Street has sustained major road damage due to heavy rainfall, according to an E-Alert sent May 14. 

Though another E-Alert also stated that East Haggard is closed due to a gas leak, Chief of Campus Safety and Police Joe LeMire clarified that that message was a mistake and there is no gas leak.

LeMire said the rain has caused ruts in the road, which may cause damage to vehicle tires, and recommended that everyone get off East Haggard Avenue entirely leading up to Oak Street.

As of 9:40 p.m., Campus Police reported that East Haggard has been temporarily repaired by using gravel to level the road.

Yet, there are still uneven parts of the road that require caution when traveling on. Crews will be out again May 15 to continue working on the road.

Town of Elon Public Works did not respond to Elon News Network’s immediate request for comment.