SGA candidates presented their speeches Thursday Feb. 17 regarding their platforms and ambitions for the university. The majority of the speakers belonged to the class of 2014. No one from the class of 2013 spoke, and the two candidates for senior class president addressed the study body.

Class of 2014

The sophomore candidates typically described Elon as a home, discussed their passion of enhancing university life, and promoted a stronger connection between SGA and the student body.

Connor O'Donnell, candidate for sophomore vice president, said he wanted to make "political savvy decisions, while still pleasing the student body."

His opponent, Gregory Zitelli, promoted a closer connection between SGA and the student body.

"The fact that so few students know what SGA does is unacceptable," he said.

He discussed his contribution so Phoenix Feet and collaboration with Elon police to educate drivers about pedestrian safety.

Ellen Fraser, sophomore secretary candidate, communicated her credentials, speaking about her experience as secretary of the student body in high school. Krystin Wallach, sophomore secretary candidate, has served as student government freshman class secretary. She said she "aims to bring the voice of the class of 2014 to the forefront during SGA meetings and hopes to continue student advocacy."

"I will promise exactly what I know I can deliver," said Patrick Brown, sophomore senator candidate.

Brown has said that he is involved in numerous campus organizations, including business fellows and student legislatures. He promised to represent, be responsible, maintain integrity and to listen. He concluded his speech by addressing his opponents and wishing them good luck.

"I hope you will vote for me and support who ever wins," he said.

Danyelle Simmons, sophomore senator candidate, has served as senator for the class of 2014 and worked to improve the bio bus system.

"I have and will continue to dedicate my time to making the voices of the students heard," she said.

Class of 2013

No one from the class of 2013 presented a speech. David Brown is running unopposed for junior class president. Alexandra Cerussi and Darien Flowers are candidates for junior class senators.

Class of 2014

Taylor Martin and Andrew Springs, the two candidates for the position of senior class president, vied for their class' votes. Both focused on how their position in SGA would benefit the student body.

"I understand that this position is not about me," Martin said. "It's about serving you."

He said that his experience as executive president has helped him foster relationships with upper level administration and staff. Martin named selecting a graduation speaker that relates to the class of 2011 as one of his objectives.

Springs discussed his involvement with campus media organizations, greek life and study abroad and emphasized the need to take advantage of all Elon University has to offer its students.

"It's time to give back to the university that has given me so much," he said.

Springs' speech was followed by applause as a group of male students left the room chanting his name.


Rachel Long is the executive vice president candidate. While she mentioned her previous experience in SGA, she focused on how to involve more students in the organization.

"I want to make it a priority to have legislation created by both senators and students outside SGA," Long said.

She encouraged the students to vote and participate in SGA elections.

Nick Livengood spoke to the student body, urging them to vote for him for executive treasurer. He was previously elected junior class vice president, but finished the term as junior class president. According to Livengood the transition taught him to be flexible and adaptive.

Livengood said he wanted to educate students more about how to receive funds from SGA in order to better support the entire student body.

"Studens feel it is unclear exactly what is need for their organizations to recieve funding," he said.

He also advocated for a treasurer committee so that there will be more people allocating funds to various student organizations.

Joseph Ross Garner and Brielle Giordano are running for executive secretary. Both discussed the executive secretary's responsibility with regards to homecoming.

"Homecoming is an opportunity for those in the current study body to interact with students of the past who have made the university what it is today," Garner said.

He described himself as meticulous and dedicated.

"As a perfectionist I will make no detail is forgotten," he said.

Giordano spoke of her experience planning and executing homecoming in high school. She has been involved in SGA since her freshman year.

For more information about the executive presidential candidates and the executive presidential debate visit The Pendulum.

-Melissa Kansky, assistant news editor