Keep your kids out of school. And if you are a kid, keep yourself far away from the classroom. Not only just on Tuesday, when king commie fascist progressive Nazi-cuddling Empire-loving Khan-supporting butter-side-down-eating President Obama will be addressing schools that decide to broadcast his subversive message.

And what message is that? Well, it's actually to work hard, stay in school and all of the typical stuff that my generation learned from Captain Planet and Darkwing Duck. But since no one has actually heard the speech, no one can actually accurately gauge it's content, unless you're anybody in the media, in which case you don't have to wait until Monday, when the White House will release a transcript of Obama's speech.

Or you could tell your kid to join up with P.A.S.S. Day (Parentally-approved-skip-school-day), a group formed by folks who also, presumably, will also dropkick teachers who even mention that Obama is the current president.

Or you could raise your arms in uproar over Obama's "indoctrination and grabbing of your kids." (As called by Glenn Beck) Or you could look at Arnie Duncan, the Education Secretary, and his letter sent to principals encouraging them to show Obama's video (how dare they! the gall of people in Obama's cabinet to support Obama!).

Or, and here's the big could wait until the transcript comes out! Maybe he doesn't say anything about the kids going out and smashing their capitalist parents beneath ACORN-purchased tanks. Maybe he won't use hypno-beams to turn all of your kids into homosexual illegal immigrants. Maybe he'll just tell them to go to class, believe in themselves, strive themselves and drink their milk. But then, even if he did that, someone would find a cow with a spot that looked vaguely like Lenin, and accuse Obama of using communist dairy propaganda.