Last week was a big one for Elon University’s SGA. If any incoming Elon freshmen were unaware of SGA’s existence, the recent election of officers for the Class of 2019 and Thursday’s Call to Honor ceremony certainly made its presence known — to younger students. SGA uses events like these to show students exactly what kind of services they can expect from their student government. Self-promotion is hardly a new or original tactic for a university organization, but how well does SGA maintain this momentum of interest?

When I was a freshman, I was interested in SGA as a means of connecting university officials with the student body. SGA’s role in the Call to Honor only further confirmed its legitimacy in my eyes. But as my first year progressed, I began seeing less and less of SGA. Now, in my junior year, the program has sadly become a nonfactor in my college experience.

This is not to say that I think SGA is unneeded or inactive — nothing could be further from the truth. But I question how something as seemingly essential as student government could have become so removed from my mind during my time at Elon.

To me, the problem with SGA is its relationship with older students — or significant lack thereof. While the organization undoubtedly provides numerous resources and benefits to students, these are often underwhelming when compared to other student-oriented programs, such as the Student Union Board. Yes, anyone interested in SGA can always find ways to become involved, but this does not necessarily speak to the general student population, especially upperclassmen.

Then again, the issues with SGA’s student involvement and presence may be coming to an end.

As reported by The Pendulum, nearly 1,000 freshmen students out of 1,520 voted in the elections — a significantly greater voter turnout than in past elections. This increase in interest has largely been attributed to more activity on social media and more advertisements for the election posted around campus.

Clearly, there is initiative within SGA to improve its standing among other student organizations and to maintain the student interest it has so effectively gained.

I may never be able to regard SGA as one of Elon’s essential programs — simply put, it has been too inconsistent for me to fully trust it. But I choose to remain optimistic that the organization’s visibility on campus can only improve with time.

Hopefully, by the time today’s freshmen are reaching their last year of college, they will still feel the presence of SGA as their voice to the university.