So thanks to our lovely Internet gurus (Jeff Stern and Elizabeth Nerich), The Pendulum's podcasts are now available for free download and subscription on iTunes!

Yes, you're reading it right. That says Apple, that says iTunes, and that says podcast. All three together means you can hear my voice and Adam Lawson's voice blab about sports, both Elon and national, on your iPod, on your iTunes, in your car if you have a nice iPod hookup, virtually anywhere you can access technology.

You should definitely check it out. It's exciting, honestly. I use iTunes all the time to download podcasts of sermons from guys like Matt Chandler and Mark Driscoll (people you should also check out). I used to download sports podcasts, but that was when I had time to listen to them.

But for real, it's super exciting. We may not be shouting out our windows on the third floor of the Elon Town Center about it, but it's actually that cool.

So check it out, have fun and tell your friends. If we became the most-downloaded podcast on iTunes...think about the possibilities...