Jessica Rapfogel

Recent Articles

NEWS 3/10/17 9:55am

CAMPUS VOICES: #SeeMeElon aims to promote inclusivity on campus

Diversity demographics can be quantitatively defined. Elon University has made significant strides in becoming more diverse, with the percent of diverse students increasing from only 8 percent in 1999 to 20 percent racially and ethnically diverse students in the Class of 2020. Inclusion, on the other hand, is a feeling and sense of belonging that cannot be compiled into a statistic.

NEWS 4/23/16 8:00am

Nothing cool about cooler season

            Welcome to banquet season. A weekend of seclusion spent with fraternity brothers and their dates at the beach may sound relaxing, but the weeks leading up to it definitely are not for the girls attending.

NEWS 4/15/16 9:38am

Do not allow fall classes to ruin your spring

            Besides the few who truly mastered the four-year plan in Elon 101, April is known for more than just its showers. It’s one of the few times of the year when we log into OnTrack and actually look at “Degree Audit.” We grab a notebook and jot down the next courses to take and what sections and teachers are being offered.

NEWS 3/4/16 1:00pm

‘The Energy Project’ offers insight for college students

Too overwhelmed with work to focus, I looked through social media to feed my procrastination. I then progressed to reading various articles in hopes of finding inspiration to do my work. Ironically, I came across The Energy Project, a company that works with organizations, professional coaches and individuals to improve workplace morale and in turn increase productivity. It has helped many big-name companies in various fields increase their success, including Google, Apple and Coca-Cola.

NEWS 2/14/16 11:27am

Extra accommodations are necessary for students with learning disabilities

I watch as the thirty-three other students in my class put away their laptops, take out their pencils, and prepare for to take their exam. The room is silent and I try to stand up quietly, but everyone watches as I take a sealed envelope from my professor and head to Duke 108. The problem is not the extra exercise, but rather the feeling of thirty-three sets of eyes on me as I walk out the door. I, as well as many other students, embrace the accommodations Elon offers, but being a college student with learning disabilities is not easy.

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