Elon University has started off the 2023-24 school year with a new method of to-go containers, now offering a free app called ReusePass. The app allows students to check out the green to-go containers for up to three days, rather than the previous years where students could trade to-go boxes for carabiners.  

Last year, students and faculty were limited to borrowing one to-go container at a time. Now they have the option to borrow multiple to-go containers and retain them for a period of up to three days. Utilizing the ReusePass app has streamlined the checkout process, making it more convenient for students. 

The ReusePass app allows students to scan a QR code on the to-go box with their phone to see which containers they have checked out and when they are due back.  

Senior Max Terricone said the app has been to easy use. 

“My experience with getting the green box was great, it made my life so much easier being able to bring home delicious Mcewan food back to my house and save myself from trying to make a meal. I really love how the policy goes for a 3 day return and the simplicity of bringing food home in a safe and eco friendly way”, Max said.

According to Leslie Bosse from Harvest Table Dining, Elon switched to Reuse pass to increase the return rate of the to-go bins and to simplify the process for students. The Dining hall staff found that students often forgot their bins or clips and now “ReusePass gives the ability to have everything based off of our guests’ phones which is forgotten less easily.”

Students agree that being able to walk into the dining hall and take food home without the stress of having their green container with them has made their takeout experience so much easier.  

Sophomore Sophia Ferruolo who frequently brings home from the dining halls said,

“In comparison to returning my green container every time, I liked the method of checking it out because there were days when I was eating at home and wouldn't be using my green container,” Ferruolo said. “I liked knowing that I could go to the dining hall whenever and check a new one out instead of having to always have one with me.” 

Elon University is one of 20 colleges and universities partnering with the ReusePass app, including Appalachian State, Boston University and Vanderbilt University.