Never in my life have I bungee jumped, nor do I really ever want to. The thought of jumping off a cliff, bridge or building with more than one story isn’t exactly on my bucket list.

And while I’m no expert on the emotions of bungee jumping, I imagine the worst feeling occurs right before you’re going to jump: an exhausting combination of excitement, dread and nerves, the same emotions students feel on Move-In Day in their first year of college. That I have done.

Looking back on my Move-In Day, a lot of things stand out to me, but did I learn anything, per se?

I remember my emotional range that day could only be compared to present-day Amanda Bynes. (Remember, if Britney Spears could make it through 2006, you can get through your first day of college.) There were plenty of familiar faces, but no familiar voices. I had Facebook-stalked plenty of these people and could only wonder if they had done the same, so greetings were kept to a minimum.

Amidst all of this, I heard something that still sends shivers down my spine. “Elon is what? Red hot!”

Yes, I hated the extroverted and adrenaline-filled Orientation Leaders’ chants and I hate them now. Yes, I realize I will lose some friends over this statement. I know they’re meant to get you pumped up about going to Elon, but we’re here, aren’t we? Basically I never want to speak to an extrovert again after hearing how hot Elon is.

[quote]So, my ducklings, don’t stress out too much today and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Just don’t get crazy.[/quote]

Moving in was simple compared to the rest of the day. It was something I found relaxing and exciting, plus my roommate had given me the window side of the room. What I couldn’t figure out was if I wanted my door opened, cracked or closed after my parents left. Did I want any stranger to walk by and see my room? It seemed such a strange concept at the time.

And after a brief Elon 101 meeting, it was time for Catch the Fire. I met one of my hallmates who was, as the rumor mill was already spinning, reportedly dating a girl at Elon, despite having a girlfriend at another school. He wasn’t and he’s now my best friend. (He’s still with the non-Elon girlfriend, by the way.)

I remember one of my hallmates taking my phone during Catch the Fire and looking through my text messages.

“I wanted to see who you were sexting,” he had said. For the record, I wasn’t. Somehow, we became friends after that.

And that was my day. I didn’t go out that night. I said I was sick or too scared of getting caught by ALE, when really I just didn’t feel comfortable with the concept of going out.

So, my ducklings, don’t stress out too much today and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Just don’t get crazy.

So I guess if I learned anything on Move-In Day, it’s that Elon is hot. Red hot.