This fall, Elon University students awaiting a package may be surprised not to find a white slip of paper in their university mailbox that formerly notified them of a new package. Instead, students will now be notified of package arrivals through their Elon email account.

The Mail Services department partnered with SC Logic to provide SCLIntra package tracking software for the mail center. Packages arriving to the mail center will be scanned and assigned a university barcode. The system then automatically alerts the recipient via email of the package’s arrival. A Phoenix Card will be required to receive the package, and the student must sign for it upon pickup.

From five providers of tracking software, the university narrowed it down to three before choosing SC Logic. The software purchase was funded by a university budget request for an undisclosed amount, according to Vickie Somers, director of auxiliary services.

“We chose SC Logic because they’ve been in the business for almost 20 years, and they know what they’re doing,” Somers said. “Their system was easier to use for all of the employees in the mail center.” The move will reduce package buildups that have traditionally occurred at Elon during move-in and around the holidays, according to mail clerk Brett Hill.

“I’m not sure that [the software] will eliminate the wait times for packages, but it’s definitely going to be more convenient and make things go more smoothly,” Hill said.

The Mail Services employee who formerly recorded package arrivals in the old paper system will transition to the SCLIntra software. But Hill estimates the employee’s workload will be cut in half due to the efficiency of the new system.

Hill said he hopes the mail center will be provided with Phoenix Card scanners, but as of yet they have not been installed in the mail room. Without scanners, mail center employees will have to manually search for the packages through the software when students arrive to pick them up.

“[The university] told us that the scanning technology is available, but we don’t yet know if or when we’re getting it,” Hill said.

Elon will implement the new system Aug. 12.