Dear Editor,

It amazes me how bad President Obama’s policies are for the global economy. Instead of supporting actions that could help the economy recover, he opposes anything that doesn’t line up with his donors and his liberal agenda.

One thing I find absolutely appalling is his position on putting the burden of our government overspending on American companies. Companies that provide hundreds of thousands of Americans with jobs and are already paying their fair share in taxes. We need to stop asking these companies to contribute more and start looking at ways to cut back spending.

The Obama administration isn’t going after all industries, though. The president is only targeting industries that don’t line up with his liberal ideology or agree with his major donors. It is not fair for the president to put American companies at an economic disadvantage.

Look at the American oil and gas industries. The president wants to take away their standard tax deductions. Their operating costs will skyrocket and costs will be passed along to consumers. Prices are going to rise and hit consumers who are already struggling to get by.


Carolina O’Brien