A year is characterized by many moments. Some coarse with a pain that we hope is fleeting. Others overflowing with joy so strong we want to relive it again and again. The past year at Elon has been marked by many such moments in the grand circle of life. We’ve lost members of our community and mourned their passing. We’ve celebrated the breaking of ground to make room for growth and development. We’ve joined together as a community to stand against discrimination and hatred of numerous forms.

Whatever your journey to and through Elon has been, we hope it has been marked by more joy than pain, more moments to remember than to forget. And, though you have reached the finish line of your passage, remember – the journey is the joy. It’s not your destination, but the path that got you there — roadblocks, bumps, U-turns and all — that defines you.

-Caitlin O'Donnell, Editor-in-Chief[gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="post_date"]