Updated as of 10:26 p.m. on May 23 to include additional photos.

Brian Feeley ’03, assistant vice president for University Advancement, welcomed students and their families to the 2024 Legacy Reception on May 23 in McKinnon Hall. 

As the class of 2024 piled into the reception with their families, Feeley thanked them for taking time out of their day to celebrate their identity as Elon University Legacy students. 

Legacy students are students who have a family member, or family members, who graduated from Elon. 

“Each of your families represents a legacy family, a connection between graduates, soon-to-be alums, and someone else in your family whether that’s a sibling, a parent, a grandparent, a cousin or some other member of your family,” Feeley said in his opening speech. “We want to make sure that we are celebrating that today.”

Feeley also said Elon prides itself on community and many students throughout the event reflected on the relationships they have built over their time at the university. 

“The important things are those relationships and the culture that is developed here, and is instilled in all of our graduates that carry that motto of ‘numen lumen’ across and out into the world,” Feeley said.

Feeley then welcomed Katie Kuczkowski ’17 and G’23, assistant director of Regional Alumni Engagement, to the podium. Kuczkowski said that Elon provided her with a community unlike any other. She congratulated the class of 2024 and their families for the success that they have had. 

“You all have supported your students through every obstacle to make it here today, and we sincerely thank you for that,” Kuczkowski said.

She went on to tell the story of how she became a two-time Elon graduate, and detailed how she returned to Elon as an employee. 

“I say all of this to remind you that Elon will always be here for you, no matter where you are,” Kuczkowski said. “As you join the ranks of our incredible alumni, I encourage you to stay involved. Wherever you go after graduation, there will be opportunities to stay connected.”

Elon has over 30 alumni chapters across the globe, allowing alumni to connect with each other wherever they may end up after graduation. 

After opening remarks, students were granted the opportunity to introduce themselves, introduce their alumni family and share a little about where they plan to go after graduation. 

One family member of the student’s choice then pinned an enamel pin which read ‘Elon Alumni’ on the student, which was a special portion of the event that marked each student's transition. 

Afterward, Feeley took to the mic again to encourage the 2024 legacy graduates to stand with their legacy family. 

“All together, on three, we’ll say those three words that everybody in the Elon community should know really well, and you are going to hear those words tomorrow from the commencement stage,” Feeley said at the end of the event. 

Feeley and the graduates all counted down from three before exclaiming: “Long live Elon.”

The students were then pinned by their family members and the group erupted with a round of applause. Graduates then spent the rest of the evening with friends and family, introducing themselves as alumni and awaiting their graduation — which was officially less than a day away