SGA Executive President Kenneth Brown Jr. appointed new members to fill the empty spaces for the 2018-2019 rotation year. SGA still has yet to approve these positions. 

SGA will vote on these positions in their first legislative term of the new year on April 7 at 7:30 p.m. in Moseley 215. SGA also invites students to join them after the meeting for the event "Starting Together" at Oak House for non-alcoholic drinks to "continue the conversation." Snacks will be provided by SGA until 10 p.m. 

For the class of 2020, sophomore Edith Gallegos will now be the new president. Joining her as vice president will be sophomore Liam Collins. Class of 2020 Treasurer will be sophomore Samuel Loeffler.

Class of 2019 vice president will be junior Mariatu Okonofua. 

For the College of Arts and Sciences, the senators will be freshman Megan Noor for the fall semester, sophomore Fredrick Evans and freshman Jonathan Stettler. 

The School of Education senators will be sophomore Dierdre Shivak and freshman Felicia Robinson. 

The Love School of Business senators will now be freshmen Kaitlyn O'Donnell and Cameron Waddell. 

For the open positions on the organization council, nine positions are now filled. Junior Emily Cline will be the new senator for Club Sports. Junior Colby Wilson will be the senator for the Fine Arts Council and junior Warren Barrett is the new senator for the Honors Council.

Freshman Jack Norcross will be the new senator for Student Media. Junior Rachel Feld will be the new senator of the Professional Council, and senior Brittany Sadler will be the new senator for the Programming Council. 

The Religious and Spiritual Life new senator will be sophomore Julia Mercurio. The Service Council's new senator will be freshman Jordan Bielanin. The Campus Programs Council's new senators will be junior Abigail Phillips and senior Mikey Gibeley.