In light of the spread of the Zika virus, Elon University has postponed or rerouted five service trips scheduled to go to Central America and the Caribbean next month during Spring Break, the university announced Monday.

Fifty-six students were planning to travel to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala or Jamaica through the Alternative Breaks Program. These students now will be offered the opportunity to join programs already planning domestic travel during Spring Break for service work.

The juniors on the football team will not be traveling to Costa Rica for a planned academic and service experience, the release said.

The spring semester program to San Jose, Costa Rica, scheduled to leave in March, will not be canceled. According to the release, those eight students were provided with extensive information on the virus, and that staff members will assist any student who wants to re-enroll on campus.

The Zika virus is carried by mosquitos. The virus is most commonly attracted by a mosquito bite, but recent studies confirmed that it can be transmitted sexually.

Approximately one in five cases lead to symptoms such as fever, rash, joint and muscle pain and vomiting. There is no known effective vaccine or medicine treatment, and symptoms last for around a week.