One Elon student uses art to get a new perspective on their image. Mollie Crawford, who prefers to go by "he," does not see himself the way that most college students do. The Elon junior said that he does not confine himself to a specific gender.

"I don't know why I'm this way. I've tried to figure it out. I've tried really hard," Crawford said.

The aspiring author, artist, and activist said that he also identifies as transgender.

"I feel like my brain is a mix of male and female and it's very confusing," Crawford said.

Crawford said that although some people have struggled to understand his opposition to associating with a certain gender, he believes that everyone should feel comfortable with their own identity.

"I've settled on in-between because that feels a lot more right to me," Crawford said.

He believes that students at Elon in particular shouldn't feel insecure about being themselves.

"You shouldn't feel like you have to hide. Not that you have to come out because coming out is not always possible for everyone," Crawford said.

Crawford said that through it all, his artwork has been outlet for him.

"I find it very helpful for sorting through how I'm feeling to draw self-portraits and things. And to draw how I see myself because often times when I take that and I compare it to how I actually look, it's not always similar," Crawford said.

Though he's also adjusted his look over the years, Crawford says that now he is more comfortable wearing what he wants.

"I think I'm finally reaching a point where I'm happy with myself and I'm able to wear the more feminine things that I enjoy without feeling like I'm being forced into a box," Crawford said.

He hopes to help create an inclusive community where others know they're not alone.