Let’s be honest: everyone gets tired of going to the beach at some point or another. You can only endure one of those painful sunburns from slouching in your grandmother’s broken beach chair so many times before you have to call it quits and search for new vacation destinations. Have no fear, because I present to you my top four unique destinations that will bring some fun and adventure back into your vacation.

Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park

The Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park is located in West Java, Indonesia and from the looks of photos it is by far one of the most picturesque national parks in existence. The park is situated between two volcanoes — Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango — and measures 150 square kilometers. A truly beautiful location in this national park is the scenic Lake Situ, a lake with water that reflects the vibrant colors of the thick foliage surrounding it. Locals can be seen taking long canoes out in the early morning when the sun shines through the trees and casts rays of light onto the water’s surface for prime photography moments. In these early morning hours, images from the surrounding trees are reflected almost perfectly onto the lake, creating a mirror effect that transforms this portion of the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park into a scene that resembles one from the Lord of the Rings movies. This destination is perfect for a serene vacation that doesn’t require a strict itinerary, because the main goal is to soak in gorgeous sights around you.


Easter Island

“Hey! Dum-Dum! You give me gum-gum!” That iconic quote was made famous by the movie “Night at the Museum,” in which a large gray statue of a head spoke to Ben Stiller’s main character about gum. However, the statue wasn’t just a silly character from the movie, and is actually one of 887 statues called Moaicreated by the early Rapa Nui people on Easter Island. Easter Island is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean that received its name from a Dutch exploration vessel that discovered the island on Easter Sunday in 1722. The biggest attraction to see on Easter Island is in fact the Moai statues that are located atop of ceremonial platforms called Ahu, but people are not permitted to walk on the Ahu as it is a disrespectful gesture and severe punishment would result if one were to damage the sites. So, as long as you respect the coolest artifacts you will ever see, Easter Island can be an adventurous travel destination.


World’s Largest Treehouse – Crossville, TN

Everyone loves a good treehouse. I always attempted to build the most intricate treehouses when I was younger with my friends, but they always ended up half completed before everyone gave up on it. Minister Horace Burgess, however, did not give up on his treehouse endeavors. His treehouse of five stories and 80 rooms remains the largest treehouse in the world and cost him $12,000 to build. Talk about dedication! The treehouse is a “southern style” abode with decks surrounding every story. In 2012 the treehouse was temporarily closed by the state, so if you can’t enter the treehouse yourself you should definitely still drive by it because you will make your inner child very jealous. Whenever I see pictures of the Minister’s treehouse I get a newly found sense of determination to complete my childhood dream of creating an absolutely awesome treehouse. Maybe one day I will own the largest treehouse in the world.


The Teahouse of Mt. Hua Shan

If you’re a fan of heights and near death experiences, you’re in luck. The hike and climb it takes to get the top of Mt. Hua Shan is both strenuous and terrifying, but it will be worth it to see firsthand the Taoist temple that was converted into the teahouse. The hike starts at the base of the mountain at “the Heavenly Stairs,” which are a large and daunting set of stone stairs that skyrocket towards the sky. But hey, that’s the easy part. After you take a gondola across to the southern peak, you will find yourself walking on planks with no rails along the side of the mountain with nothing but a chain to hold. That sounds thrilling! There’s nothing like a leisurely stroll along the side of a mountain to get my blood flowing. Some people embark on this petrifying climb simply for the thrill of it, and others are in search of the unique teahouse. Either way, if you’re looking for an exhilarating travel destination that keeps you on your toes, you won’t want to miss the teahouse at the top of Mt. Hua Shan.