Bank of America Drive was full of excitement on Saturday as the Elon community gathered to tailgate before the first home football game of the season.

But this year the atmosphere was different. Sophomore Andrew Cole said this year's tailgate was more fun than in the past.

"Last year tailgating was kind of lame. They didn't have all these tents, they didn't have a band and it wasn't exciting," Cole said. "This year after tailgating I am very excited to go to the game and root for the Phoenix."

Student activities and SGA made changes to tailgating after conducting several surveys. Here's what is different this year:

1.  Location: Last year, tailgating was in the Harper lot. Now tents are set up along Bank of America Drive and the East side of Rudd Field.

2. Registration: Previously, the registration was a long process. Now, you can easily sign up online

3. Cost: Last year it cost around 240 dollars to rent a tent. Now it's only 25 dollars. Students can also sign up for a free parking space.

But one change was clearly visible: music. There will now be a live band at every tailgate. Assistant Director of student activities Adam Bell helped organize the new tailgating rules. He thought music was an important to add.

"There would be this stale air. So to alleviate that and create an energized atmosphere, what better way to do that than with music," Bell said.

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Secretary of SGA Lauren Reiman, who was also involved in improving tailgating at Elon, told ELN why it's so important.

"There's no better way to get all of the students involved and support their University," Reiman said. "There's no better way to rally behind student athletics and show our student pride."

Even University President Leo Lambert says the new changes have made a difference.

"On Bank of America Drive here, this atmosphere is really wonderful for students. The best I think I've seen at Elon before," Lambert said. "I think it feels like a new day for tailgating at Elon, I'm very pleased".