The cast of Elon Tonight proved to Elon University how hard they’ve worked to stay on this campus during the last few years at their spring showcase May 10. Sponsored by the Student Union Board, the premiere offered free popcorn and beverages to its audience. This semester's installation of Elon’s only sketch comedy show was funny, creative and well put together.

The members of Elon Tonight seem to have a special connection with each other, something that may have strengthened their comedic endeavors over time.

Their sketches, with few exceptions, kept the audience laughing and wanting to see more. The writers’ creativity and imaginative thinking helped segments move into new plots and scenes fresh from overdone humor in the comedy world. Everyone watching seemed to laugh or gasp when the writers and actors on the screen had intended to evoke amusement.

The review wouldn’t be complete without mentioning freshman Harris Fishman. Fishman, who appeared in the majority of the showcase’s skits, brought a likeable awkwardness to the cast.

Though their time at Elon has not always been easy, the creators of Elon Tonight have clearly put their hearts and souls into keeping it alive throughout the years. This screening made it evident their hard work is paying off.

While Elon may not be considered one of the most diverse campuses in the country, Elon Tonight has a good mix of personalities involved in its show. Since the show is open to actors, writers, directors and behind-the-scenes staff, they pride themselves on giving underclassmen the opportunity to work alongside skilled upperclassmen.

Elon Tonight’s editing style is similar to the vibe of "Saturday Night Live," but with an Elon spin. The scenes of Elon University at night added an extra edge to the opening credits. Overall, the editing was well done and made for a very enjoyable watching experience.

Elon Tonight has since released the showcase on YouTube.