Lo and behold, the class of 2016 has arrived. We at the Pendulum welcome you to our beautiful and ornate campus. Time to do as the Phoenix do.

As a senior facing the prospect of the real world, I still recall being a young whippersnapper like you. Time flies, and four years travels by faster than one cares to realize. Once the rhythm of balancing classes and social life is established, scarce is the remaining time to stop and smell the flowers. It seems appropriate at this point to pass along some pointers before the squirrels get you.

• Don’t wear a lanyard with your Phoenix Card on it. This is the foremost telltale sign of a true freshman. • Greek life is quite established at Elon, perhaps even more than is advertised. It offers unique opportunities and a way to develop close friendships. It is, however, not the core of the university. There is a niche here for everyone. People of faith, artists, and volunteers can each find organizations worth raving about. If you happen to enjoy sunrise yodeling on rooftops, chances are someone else here probably does too. • It’s a good thing to be known, but it’s important to be known for the right reasons. Don’t become a campus icon because you were the subject of a Smith Jackson email. Go to class. Resist the urge to friend the entire campus on Facebook. • Be careful who you romance. Former flames have a way of turning up at the least convenient times, like when parents visit or when you’re on your fifth slice of Nades pizza. • The freshman 15 is, by no means, a myth. Without precaution, the Loyo, midnight Varsity, and other vices will certainly catch up with you. • Academics are vital to the Elon experience, and we take them seriously here. Start early on projects. Find a good study spot other than Belk, such as Lindner or Alamance. It will come in handy for exam time. Professors are approachable, too. • There is more to Elon than the party scene. SUB plans interesting and fun events every week, and much more can be found on E-net. • Be nice to people: you will see them again. All the winding brick paths lead the same places, and the student population is no bigger than that of a small town. Anyone you meet is bound to have mutual acquaintances. • Elon has students from all across the country and globe. Take the opportunity to meet people you wouldn’t come across otherwise. • Perhaps the most important tip anyone can give is follow your own path. So much of college is figuring yourself out and working towards whatever your purpose is. There’s no one in the corner at West End or Colonnades keeping score, regardless of what the drama queens say. Be yourself.

Four short years from now, when you sit under the mighty oaks next to West, it won’t matter who hooked up the most, who partied the most or who had the most friends. What you’ll take with you is a sapling, your diploma and the Phoenix you grew into. Best make some memories while you can.