When I say Mac Miller has got me jumping through hoops, I don’t mean literally (although that would be hilarious). I mean that, much to my poor editor Rebecca’s chagrin, I have been tugging and pulling at strings for the past month or so trying to secure an interview with Mac, who is one of the artists performing at Elon’s Spring Show 2012. Now let me say this: the lack of contact thus far is not one particular person’s fault. In fact, I blame communication today in general. You would think, with numerous modes of communication — from calling to texting, from emailing to Facebooking and tweeting — that getting in touch with someone would be easier. But if I’ve learned anything from my experience trying to hold a Q & A with one of the newest up-and-coming rap artists currently on the scene, it would be that all these modes have only made getting in touch trickier.Emails accidentally get placed into spam folders or go unanswered for weeks. Between missed calls and the ever-elusive Facebook message, there’s a mishap associated with nearly every communication tool. When we spread ourselves across so many different communication formats, do we fall behind with keeping up and keeping in touch? I sure think so. I’d be lying if I said I never forget to return missed calls, answer texts or respond to emails and Facebook messages. Sometimes I even miss it when someone tweets at me. With so many things going on in my life, it’s hard to remember that someone could be trying to reach me on any number of mediums.

So here I sit, waiting for an email back or even a call, so Mac Miller can answer my burning questions. Hopefully, way sooner than later, you’ll be reading the Arts & Entertainment section and will come across my interview session with rapper Mac Miller.