Olivia Ryan

Recent Articles

NEWS 3/16/16 7:41pm

​Talk therapy is a two-way street

The other day, to help with an article she was writing for one of her classes, a friend of mine sat down with me and asked me if I had ever used counseling services at Elon. As we sat in the crowded Moseley Student Center, I felt myself look around the room cautiously before quietly answering “Yes.” I have been using counseling services on and off ever since I first got to Elon.

NEWS 2/3/16 1:32pm

Elon students need to start talking about Flint

In Flint, Michigan, 102,000 people have been poisoned by contaminated drinking water. Nine thousand of those people are children under the age of 6, according to an article by Michael Moore in The Huffington Post. This is an issue that has been brewing for years, but it is just now getting the media attention and support it deserves.

NEWS 1/19/16 5:49pm

Educate yourself on MLK, educate yourself on today

Before taking my Winter Term class this year, IDS224: “Non-Violence and Civil Rights," my classmates and I dreaded learning more about the historic Civil Rights Movement. I didn’t believe that I would gain anything new from the class and saw learning the material as an obligation. However, I am happy to say that I was proved wrong: that as I read and engaged, I found there was so much I still had to learn. Contrary to my prior belief, the Civil Rights Movement was far more than a bus boycott and a few marches. Most importantly, the Civil Rights Movement was about more than just civil rights. At its core, the movement was truly about human rights.

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