In a pinch for dinner between studying? Impress yourself by throwing down a cheese plate next to your laptop.

Cheese may not sound like the healthiest thing for a health & wellness writer to be writing about, but as long as you're not eating the entire block of it, using it in Velveeta form, or slathering handfuls of the stuff on everything you eat, its totally fine. The Europeans do it, why can't we?

Side note: only use really yummy cheese, and not too much of it (shoutout to New England/Cabot for making your delicious product readily available even in the-middle-of-nowhere North Carolina).

Hors d'oeuvres-y meals make you eat slower, taste more and eat less. You could even get fancy and pour yourself a glass of (Antioxident-rich, amirite) wine if you don't have a zillion projects and assignments to get done and...oops.

Pictured above, you'll see my two-minute dinner creation (with a little help from the dining hall):

Sliced granny smith apple, diced pineapple, grapes, wasa crackers, extra sharp Cabot cheddar, and roasted sweet potato "fries."

Possible substitutes include but are not limited to, nuts, avocado with lime and salt, orange slices, pretzels, rice crackers, peanut butter, and literally anything else you have laying around/in your fridge.

Just remember to keep it colorful!