Turns out fall’s favorite fruit (well, technically, a pumpkin is a berry, part of the Cucurbitaceous family) is actually kind of a super food.

According to our research, any plant that has a close relationship with soil (pumpkin patch, anyone?) will take in minerals from the soil as it grows. Stuff like phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc and iron are found in pretty high quantities in our friend the pumpkin.


The International Dermal Institute writes, “The molecular structure of pumpkin is small and therefore can penetrate deeper into the skin when used topically. This is amazing for treating a dull complexion, aging skin and pigmentation.”

So, we should be rubbing pumpkin guts all over our faces? YES!

Here’s how we did it:

Splash warm water over your face to open your pores, take a lil’ bit of pumpkin (the soft stuff, pick out the seeds) and rub it into your skin, focusing on any dull areas or acne/oily patches you might have. Let the residue from the pumpkin penetrate your skin for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids help speed skin cell turnover, and Vitamin A stimulates collagen production and can help reverse signs of aging.

In addition to a big dose of Zinc, pumpkin seeds are high in fatty acids and Vitamin E, which help to protect the skin from unwelcomed elements. They can also help control oil production by the skin. Mmmm, healthy and delicious!